Mixed Use Apartment Proposed in Buena Park

Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects

By: Chad Kim

Developer MD Properties proposes a 34 unit mixed use apartment building near Beach Boulevard and I-5 in Buena Park.

With the completion of the huge office and entertainment center known as The Source, developer MD Properties are setting their sight on another development project which is 6555 Beach Boulevard. The proposed project site is bounded by 9th Street and Beach Boulevard. 

The five story apartment building is proposed to include 34 apartment units and ground floor retail (1,420 square feet) at the corner of 9th and Beach Boulevard. The unit breakdown are as follows:

  • Studio: 8 units
  • 1 Bed : 19 units
  • 2 Bed:  7 units

The developer proposes a total of 84 vehicle parking spaces of which 67 vehicle parking spaces are for tenants and the remaining 17 are for commercial. 

Source: City of Buena Park
As the above site plan shows, the parking is placed on the ground floor and along the diagonal portion of the project site. The commercial parking is located closer to 9th Street. The residential parking is accessed via an entrance gate and can be found at the ground floor of the building (northern half) as well as the diagonal portion of the project site. 


Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects

Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects

Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects

Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects

Credit: MD Properties and CORBel architects
The project architect is CORBel architects. 



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