Residential Proposed Near Main Street and 5 FWY in Santa Ana

Source: City of Santa Ana
By: Chad Kim

AC 2525 Main LLC proposes a 517 unit residential apartment building near Main Street and 5-FWY and is across the street from the Discovery Cube.

 Located at the northeast corner of Main Street and Edgewood Road on a 5.9 acre site, the proposed 517 unit residential apartment consists of five stories which will be wrapped around an eight level parking structure (910 vehicle parking spaces). The proposed project site currently has a two story office building along with surface parking both of which are proposed to be demolished.

Site Plan:


Source: City of Santa Ana

Source: City of Santa Ana

The Main Street corridor has seen an increase in under construction and proposed developments. North of the proposed 2525 Main Residential Development is another proposed residential development at 2700 N Main Street near the MainPlace Mall. South of the 5 FWY is a proposed Hampton Inn Hotel. The intersection of Town and Country & Lawson Way (near Main Street) has a now leasing residential apartment, under construction apartment, and proposed apartment. While the former is in the City of Santa Ana, the latter two are in the City of Orange.



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