VRV, a planned 5 Story Mixed Use in Stanton


Source: Architects Orange

By: Chad Kim

Located at the northwest corner of Beach Bl and Stanford Av (12736 Beach Bl), a 5 story mixed use development called VRV is planned with a total of 300 apartment units on a 3.75 acre site. The retail component to the development would comprise a total of 6,313 sq ft. 

Source: Architects Orange

The site plan above shows the types of ground level amenities planned including a pool, lounge, fitness room, California room, dog spa, and open space to the east of the parking structure. A rooftop deck is also planned. The six story parking structure would be located at the southeast corner of the project site with the main entry on Beach Bl. Much of the residential component would be located to the north of the parking structure and centered around the pool. 

The developer is Bonanni Development and Architects Orange is the architect of record and design architect. The development has won two awards:

  • Gold Nugget Merit Award - Best On-the-Boards Mixed-Use Project
  • MHN Excellence Awards-Bronze Award-Best Unbuilt
Source: Architects Orange

Source: Architects Orange

The City of Stanton approved VRV on June 9, 2020:

On June 9th the City of Stanton approved VRV, a new vibrant and energized mixed use community. VRV is home to those on...

Posted by Architects Orange dba AO on Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Architects Orange Page about VRV


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