51 Townhouse Units Proposed in Santa Ana's Lyon Street

Located at 717 S. Lyon Street in the City of Santa Ana's Lyon Street neighborhood, a residential development consisting of 51 townhouse units is proposed. 
The 2.3 acre site is currently developed with a one story building, a commercial building, and a surface parking lot. To make way for the proposed residential development, the existing structures would be demolished. 

The proposed 51 townhouse units would be contained within a total of 12 residential buildings. These townhouse units would be three stories. 

Of the 51 townhouse units, the developer proposes eight affordable units. 

Source: City of Santa Ana

Vehicle parking for residents would be addressed by providing each townhouse unit with a two car garage on the bottom floor. The project site would include three guest vehicle parking. 

A total of 17,790 square feet of open space is proposed. 

Source: Google Maps

Renderings of the residential buildings are shown below and are designed by KTGY Architecture + Planning: 

Source: City of Santa Ana


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